karnak temple


Luxor, Homer’s Thebes with the hundred gates, has an unbelievable wealth of monuments. This fact has always made it one of the centers of tourism in Egypt, and it has become a very well-tended city. The giant temple complexes of Luxor were part of the old Egyptian capital of > Thebes, which extended from here far to the north, beyond the temple of >Karnak and, with its necropolis on the western bank of the Nile, it reached far into the mountains of the Western Desert.

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sight seeing

Traveling in Egypt

Egypt is a country for traveling _ the more you want to see and experience, the more you have to travel. Unpack your suitcase, pack it again, leave the hotel for the bus, the bus for a Nile boat, then back to a hotel this is a country for active travelers!

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Karnak Temple

Karnak Temple; Places to visit in Luxor

The largest temple complex in Egypt lies north of > Luxor. It mainly consists of the large Amun Temple, the Temple of Khons as well as a Festival Temple of Tuthmosis Ill, but also encompasses many other structures. The northern and southern temple precincts as well as the buildings south of the eighth pylon are currently closed to visitors. Opening hours: in summer, daily 6 am—6 pm, in winter daily 6 am—5 pm.

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Hatshetsup temple

The Mortuary Temple of Queen Hatchepsut

The Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut, also known as the Djeser-Djeseru (Holy of Holies), is a mortuary temple of Ancient Egypt located in Upper Egypt. Built for the Eighteenth Dynasty pharaoh Hatshepsut, who died in 1458 BC, the temple is located beneath the cliffs at Deir el-Bahari on the west bank of the Nile near the Valley of the Kings. This mortuary temple is dedicated to Amun and Hatshepsut and is situated next to the mortuary temple of Mentuhotep II, which served both as an inspiration and, later, a quarry. It is considered one of the incomparable monuments of ancient Egypt.

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Luxor Temple

Luxor Temple

Luxor Temple might be the greatest testament to why Luxor has earned its nickname, “The World’s Largest Outdoor Museum”. Luxor Temple is located in the modern city of Luxor, which is built on the site of the ancient Egyptian capital of Thebes. The Luxor Temple was constructed of sandstone blocks from Nubia. The temple is surrounded by mud-brick walls which symbolize the separation between the world and the sacred realm of the gods. The Temple’s design during the New Kingdom exhibited a set of common design features in the construction of the temple. The Luxor Temple displays many of the features typical of temple construction known during the New Kingdom.

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