pyramids of giza

Pyramids of Giza

There is nothing like getting a close-up view to the Pyramids of Giza. Guarded by the magnificent Sphinx, a cat-like creature carved from a single block of stone, these ancient tombs have been drawing visitors for centuries. While there are over 120 pyramids in the country of the Pharaohs, the ones around the Giza necropolis are the largest, (almost) the oldest, and certainly the most perfect ones.

The Pyramids of Giza are Cairo’s number one half-day trip and a must-do attraction on everyone’s itinerary. Right on the edge of the city, on the Giza Plateau, these fourth dynasty funerary temples have been wowing travelers for centuries and continue to be one of the country’s major highlights. Despite the heat, the dust, and the tourist hustle, you can’t miss a trip here.

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Karnak Temple

Karnak Temple; Places to visit in Luxor

The largest temple complex in Egypt lies north of > Luxor. It mainly consists of the large Amun Temple, the Temple of Khons as well as a Festival Temple of Tuthmosis Ill, but also encompasses many other structures. The northern and southern temple precincts as well as the buildings south of the eighth pylon are currently closed to visitors. Opening hours: in summer, daily 6 am—6 pm, in winter daily 6 am—5 pm.

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trip to pyramids with family

Is it safe to travel to Egypt

Egypt is a country for traveling _ the more you want to see and experience, the more you have to travel, but Egypt’s reputation as a travel destination has taken some hits with travelers and travel professionals over the last several years, making some people wonder: Is it safe to travel to Egypt?

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