qaitbay citadel in alexandria


The »pearl of the Mediterranean«, as the Alexandrians like to call their city, has its own special charm, which is not always apparent right away. The few monuments that remain from the time when Alexandria was the cultural centre of the Hellenic world now scarcely contribute to the flair of this major Mediterranean city. Even though faceless new construction now marks the face of tnore than 20km/ 12mi of coastline, a drive along the bay of Alexandria with its many beaches is impressive. The centre of the Corniche is planted with palm trees, and tourists as well as locals enjoy the numerous cafes and restaurants.

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the library of alexandria egypt

Library of Alexandria

Alexandria Royal library was the first public governmental library in the world history, and was not as the ex-libraries in Egypt which were exclusive only for the pharaohs and the priests, it was said that Alexandria old  library contained more than 700,000 different old books, so it was also the biggest library in all the world at that time, it was working not only as a library but also as a university where students were going to study.
Alexandria Library, one of the amazing Alexandria tourist attractions and Bastet Travel offer you the opportunity to visit it with a wide variety of Egypt tour packages mixed by Nile cruise, check them and choose your dream vacation now!!!

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